RMC is a not-for-profit corporation established in 2000 by the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) and the Canadian refrigeration and air conditioning industry. The program is an industry-led environmental care program committed to the responsible disposal of surplus Halocarbon refrigerants from the stationary refrigeration and air conditioning industry. The program does not receive government funding and is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of industry representatives from the refrigeration and air conditioning industry, equipment owners and environment/community groups.

RMC Mission:

Our mission is to provide an environmentally responsible program that:

  • Manages the environmentally responsible disposal of Canada's stocks of surplus Halocarbon refrigerants for the Canadian refrigeration and air conditioning industries;
  • Meets the objective of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) to minimize and avoid the ultimate release of these substances to the environment; and
  • Ensures that all surplus Halocarbon refrigerants will be managed in the most environmentally responsible manner to minimize the depletion of the ozone layer and reduce green house gas emissions.

RMC General Policies

RMC Board – Collection Service Provider Role
The role of an approved RMC Collection Service Provider on the RMC Board will be that of an observer. This position will be non-voting and will not be divisionally affiliated.

International Refrigerants Policy
RMC will only accept CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerants that originate in Canada. However, RMC will provide assistance to countries interested in setting up a program of their own, or will provide the names of suitable disposal sites.

HCFC Blends Policy
If any HCFC Blends are patented, RMC will ensure that those HCFC Blends that come into the program are destroyed.

Carbon Offsets
Refrigerant owners, contractors, wholesalers, and Collection Service Providers agree to transfer their rights to any carbon offsets generated through the disposal of CFCs and HCFCs. Only RMC has the right to claim the carbon offsets from refrigerants disposed of through the RMC Program.

Board of Directors and Staff

RMC Program Participants/ levy contributors 

Pollution Prevention Plan (P2 Plan)

RMC Resources

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