The following Delivery Partners offer Canada's Ozone Layer Protection Awareness training course. Please contact them directly for their schedules.

Delivery Partner Login


Keyano College | The School of Continuing Education - 780-715-3903

Lethbridge Community College | Sheila Wiebe - 403-317-3533

Medicine Hat College | Catherine Crockford - 403-529-3875 

Olds College | Olds College Continuing Education - 1-800-661-6537

NAIT – Edmonton | Continuing Education 

SAIT – Calgary | School of Construction - 403-284-8367

British Columbia

Automotive Training Centre | Ricardo Davidson - 604-635-2234

BCIT | Nicholas Zhang - 604-432-8041 

Camosun College – Victoria BC |  250-370-4563

College of the Rockies | Cynthia Touzin - 250-489-2751 ext 3337

Kwantlen Polytechnic University | Cindy Bilow - 604-598-6107

North Island College - Campbell River | Jeff Wharton 

Northern Lights College - Fort St. John | Stan Kachmarski - 250-785-6981

Okanagan College | Trades Office - 250-862-5457

Selkirk College | Andy Gullen - 250-354-3242

Thompson Rivers University | Heather Hamilton - 250-371-5658

University College of Fraser Valley | Jamie Ubell - 604-504-7441 ext 5451

Vancouver Community College | Brian Haugen - 604-871-7000 ext 7398


MOPIA (Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association) | | 1-888-667-4203

Red River College - Winnipeg (Providing Ontario ODP Program) | Sidney Bloomfield - 204-632-3034 | George Kurowski - 204-632-2448 

New Brunswick

CCNB – Bathurst | Lise Godin - 506-547-2193

CCNB – Edmundston | Jean-Pierre Cyr - 506-735-2575

NBCC – Fredericton | Erika Mollegaard - 506-444-3313 

NBCC – Miramichi | Tammy Scott - 506-778-6051

NBCC – Moncton | Gabriel Babineau - 506-856-2263

NBCC - Saint John | Andrew McDonald - 506-658-6395

NBCC - St. Andrews | Ashley Ritchie - 506-529-5136  


College of the North Atlantic - Gander | Steven Downer - 709-651-4836

College of the North Atlantic – St. John's |  Alex Pelley  709-758-7554

College of the North Atlantic – Stephenville | Kevin Farrell - 709-646-5702

Nova Scotia

NSCC – Akerley | Christine McDonald - 902-491-6711

NSCC – Waterfront Campus | Kevin O'Halloran - 902-491-4954

NSCC – Kingstec | Dwayne MacLeod - 902-690-2429

NSCC – Lunenburg | Melanie Chapman -  902-543-7976

NSCC – Marconi | Winston Ingraham - 902-563-2674

NSCC – Pictou | Damian Hall - 902-755-7115

NSCC – Truro | Lois Ettinger - 902-893-5343


Algonquin College – Ottawa | Glenn Robertson - 613-727-4723 ext 7415

Appliance Technical Institute of Canada | Kataryna Czupiel - 905-629-1447 ext. 251

Automotive Training Centres - Toronto | Don Pannunzio - 416-231-7227 ext. 201

Automotive Training Centres - Cambridge | Brigitte Bouchard - 519-622-1222 ext. 229

Cambrian College | Avril Kingsley - 705-566-8101 ext 7400 | Kim Lair - 705-566-8101 ext. 6802

CATI (Canadian Automotive Trucking Institute) Cambridge | David Koetsier - 519-622-1222 ext. 229

Canadore College - North Bay | Catherine Priddle - 705-474-7600 ext. 5687 | Kristina Rancourt - 705-474-7600 ext. 5601

Centennial College | Richard Oakey - 416-289-5000 ext. 7086

Collège Boréal – Sudbury | Mathieu Houle - 705-560-6673 ext. 2806

Conestoga College – Guelph | Colin Jones - 519-748-5220 ext. 3722

Conestoga College - Kitchener | Colin Jones - 519-748-5220 ext. 3722 

Confederation College | Continuing Education - 807-475-6550

Durham College |  Chris Hall - 905-721-2000 ext. 2312

Fanshawe College - London | Michael Harrison - 519-452-4430 ext 4685 | Cora Morningstar - 519-452-4427

Fanshawe College - Woodstock | Angela Guernsey - 519-421-0144 ext. 245| 

Fleming College | Karen Foster - 705-749-5530 ext. 1225 

George Brown College | Jennifer Limsana - 416-415-5000 ext 4008

Georgian College – Barrie | Thomas Olhiser - 705-728-1968 ext 1268

Georgian College - Owen Sound | Tanya Moore - 519-376-0840 ext. 2004

Great Lakes Technical Training | Patricia Pouget - 519-944-4555 

Hi Mark Occupational Skills Training Centre | Lily Krasa - 416-781-8000 

Humber College | Ian Maclachlan - 416-675-6622 ext. 5674

La Cité Collégiale | Luc Ethier - 800-267-2483 ext. 3023 

Lambton College | Erin Virostek -519-542-7751 ext 3543

Loyalist College | Tiffeny Dyck - 613-969-1913 ext 2294

Millennium Training Centre | Elizabeth Jongeneel - 905-822-0444

Mohawk College | Jennifer Garside | 905-575-2203

Niagara College | Randee Griffin - 905-735-2211 ext. 7133 

Niagara Skilled Trades | Brad Dixon - 905-685-9393

North American Trade Schools (Brampton) | Fredrick Marsden - 905-487-1163

North American Trade Schools (London) | Rick Francis - 519-963-0680

Northern College | Christina Jupp - 705-235-7231

Pre-Apprenticeship Training Institute Cambridge | Christine Azevedo - 519-220-2897

Pre-Apprenticeship Training Institute Toronto Christine Azevedo - 416-638-4111

RSES | Gary Struhar - 519-727-5712 

Sault College | Ted Newbery - 705-759-2554 ext 2448

St. Clair College | Continuing Education - 519-972-2711

St. Lawrence College – Continuing Education-1-866-276-6601

Stanford International College | Danmei Zhao- 416-383-1608

Prince Edward Island

Holland College | Ruth Rundle - 902-888-6448


CETAF | Genevieve Hout - 514-735-1131


Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Saskatoon) | Lance Lacroix | 306-659-4661

Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Saskatoon) | Genevieve Frank | 306-659-3910

Southeast College | Melanie Mantei | 306-637-4927 

Mechanical Contractors Association Of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) | Nicole Kelly | 306-664-2154