Webinar: Getting High Efficiency Circulators with ECM’s Right with TACO

March 31, 2022

12-1 PM EST

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High-efficiency circulators with Electronically Commutated Motors (ECM’s) have been around for well over a decade. However, many to this day are still frequently set to the wrong mode and/or misapplied. These units right out-of-the-box come with 3 to 5 mode options and several settings within each mode. In this session we will cover which mode makes the most sense for the particular type of system it’s been installed or designed into.

The key to getting the mode setting correct is understanding the piping layout. So, we’ll go through several piping schemes and diagrams, so you’ll have a better understanding of which mode is appropriate for each layout.  

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Speaker Bio:

Rick Mayo has a distinguished career in the plumbing and heating industry which began in the spring of 1977. He spent 4-years as a plumbing and heating installer, 21-years in the P&H wholesale industry, 7-years as a technical instructor for the leading PEX manufacturer, 6 years as the corporate trainer for a major condensing boiler manufacturer and finally, the last 7-years with Taco Comfort Solutions as the Western Product and Application Instructor. Rick is an enthusiastic teacher; his distinctive energetic style combines practical understanding and technical expertise to insure a productive, informative learning experience for all those who attend his webinar classes or face-to-face lunch & learns and workshops. 

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