Understanding the Next Phase in the City of Vancouver’s Proposed Regulations on Residential Space an

May 10th, 2022
12noon-1pm PST

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The City of Vancouver would like to provide an update to the HVAC industry on proposed recommendations for residential space heating and water heating.

City staff originally proposed to bring four recommendations to Vancouver City Council in May 2022 for space heating and domestic hot water equipment in one and two family detached homes.

The proposed regulations are now being brought forward in two phases:


On May 17, 2022, a set of proposed regulations will be submitted to council that will include:

a)    A requirement that all cooling units must be two-directional heat pumps, as of January 1, 2023; and

b)    A requirement that space heating and domestic hot water equipment must meet the same standards as new construction when renovation projects exceed $250,000, effective January 1, 2023.

The report to Council on these proposed regulations is expected to be available for public review on May 11.  Please check this link for details.


In 2023, further regulations will be brought forward relating to:

 a)   Requirements for space heating equipment at time of replacement; and

b)    Requirements for domestic hot water equipment at time of replacement.

Originally planned for this year, staff will be taking additional time to develop a more elegant permitting process that allows greater ease of equipment installations at time of replacement for both home owners and qualified industry professionals.  They will also use this time to engage and consult with industry as needed to ensure a satisfactory process is in place.

To hear more about these plans, join us on May 10th at noon (PST).

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