Technology Webinar - Achieving Very Low Temperatures with Two-Stage Compression Technology
April 21st, 2022
12noon - 1pm EST
Register today!
Once again Phil Boudreau of Bitzer will, take HRAI attendees through a complimentary technical overview of the design/construction of a two-stage compressor, along with the supporting subsystems, to create a robust and reliable solution for low, and very low, temperature systems.
Specific topics included in this webinar include:
Operating Envelope
Two-Stage Theory
Internal Refrigerant Flow Paths
Interstage Cooling
Capacity Control
Register today!
Speaker Bio:
Phil Boudreau has over 30 years experience working in the HVACR industry, primarily specializing in refrigeration. Phil spent 22 years in wholesale and currently provides sales, training, and technical support for Bitzer Canada Inc. In addition to his part-time role as a refrigeration instructor for Humber College, Phil began writing technical refrigeration articles for HPAC Magazine back in the early 1990’s and is currently the refrigeration columnist for Mechanical Business Magazine.
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