Rick Ellul receives HRAI Merit Award
The HRAI Merit award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond to support the growth and success of the Institute and Canada’s HVACR industry at large. This year, the award went to Rick Ellul, Regional Sales Manager of Belimo and former HRAI Chair.
Ellul has served in various industry roles over his 30-plus years in the field, both among HVACR wholesalers and manufacturers. After graduating from Humber College’s HVACR Technician Program in 1988, he joined Carrier Enterprise as its Parts Branch Manager for three years until plying his expertise at Eastern Refrigeration Supply as Product Manager. In 2004, he started his journey at Belimo where he rose as a leader in its ranks.
“What’s it like working with Rick? I would say enthusiastic,” said Bruce Meacock, President of Mechanical Business during the award video. “Everything Rick does, he does with gusto. He’s very passionate about everything he does, and committed to helping the industry move forward.”
Ellul has also given freely of his expertise and knowledge to HRAI. Over the past decade, he served as Chair of HRAI’s Controls Products Section, member and Chair of the Manufacturers Board, as an HRAI Board member, and the Institute’s Chair in 2016/17. He has also been a leading voice on HRAI’s Emerging Technologies Committee, and, more recently, the Commercial IAQ Committee.
“Throughout his engagement with HRAI, Rick has faithfully advanced the interests of the controls sector, his passion, shining a brighter light on the unique benefits to managing comfort and energy use that this technology can bring,” said Martin Luymes, Vice President, Government and Stakeholder Relations for HRAI, during the HRAI’s Awards video. “He was also instrumental in forging a partnership arrangement with ASHRAE in our government relations efforts – a relationship from which HRAI has benefitted greatly over the past several years.”
“For these reasons and many more - including the fact that he’s just a great guy – I’m very pleased to announce Rick Ellul as this year’s recipient of the HRAI Merit Award,” Luymes added.
Ellul joined the awards video to thank his family, Belimo co-workers, and HRAI colleagues for the honour, stating, "When I started HRAI, I wasn't sure if I was just going to be on a committee and show up for meetings. Early on, though, I met with Warren Heeley and we talked about an industry issue that was going to affect more than the people we were going to talk to. Right at that moment, I realized that one member can make a big difference in the association and I was really happy to have the opportunity to do that."
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The HRAI Merit Award is the Institute’s top award. In 2020, it was bestowed to David Weishuhn, President of Blue Flame Heating & Air Conditioning. HRAI will be profiling other award winners in our future newsletter.
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