Reminder: ODSHAR Restrictions for Chillers Come into Force on January 1, 2025

As of January 1, 2025, additional measures relevant to the HVACR industry in Canada’s Ozone-Depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulation (ODSHAR) will come into force. 

Beginning on January 1, 2025, it will be prohibited to import into or manufacture in Canada the following products containing or designed to contain an HFC that is listed in Table 4 of the Regulations and is to be used as a refrigerant: 

  • chiller systems that use a refrigerant with a GWP above 750; 

  • stand-alone, self-contained medium (> 0°C) and low temperature (< 0°C but not < -50°C) residential refrigeration systems that use a refrigerant with a GWP above 150;  

  • mobile refrigeration systems that use a refrigerant with a GWP above 2,200;  

For high-GWP chillers that are ordered, or are currently in shipment, and may not arrive before January 1, 2025: if the product will not arrive in Canada before the January 1, 2025 deadline, you may still obtain temporary permission to import equipment through an application for a permit to import for an essential purpose, which are assessed on a case-by-case basis by Environment and Climate Change Canada. For more information contact: 

If you are shipping low-GWP chillers to jurisdictions that have not adopted CSA B52:2023, provincial or territorial authorities can still provide authorization to install the equipment. Please contact your local provincial or territorial regulator. As of publication, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Alberta, and Quebec have not yet adopted CSA B52:2023. 

If you have any questions, please contact Perry Chao at 

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