Reminder: HRAI Contractor Members – We Want to Hear From You
HRAI’s second annual Town Hall meeting will take place after the HRAI Contractors Division Annual General Meeting on September 23, 2021 from 2pm – 3pm EST. This event is designed to give Contractor members a voice in HRAI’s matters.
HRAI Contractor members are encouraged to table their issues for discussion at the Annual Town Hall meeting. Don’t be shy. All submissions are taken seriously. Talk to Scott Papp, Manager of Membership and Divisional Programs at Use the subject line: HRAI Town Hall.
As many issues as possible will be reviewed live at the Town Hall meeting, with any remaining items left live until the issue has been discussed or resolved.
For more information, or to submit an issue to be raised at the Town Hall Meeting on September 23rd, 2021, contact Scott Papp, Manager, Membership & Divisional Programs at or 1-800-267-2231 ext. 233.
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