Now Accepting Nominations for two HRAI Contractor Division Awards

HRAI’s Contractors Division seeks nominations for the following two awards: 

  1. The Gearld Inch Award for Chapter Leadership recognizes the special efforts of those volunteers who have been instrumental in keeping chapters and local/regional groups viable and meaningful to members.    

  1. The Craig McCarty Memorial Award recognizes members of HRAI’s Contractors Division who have shown outstanding leadership and dedication to the HVACR contracting industry in Canada by volunteering to serve in leadership roles within HRAI’s Contractor Division. 

Award recipients will be honoured at HRAI’s Annual Meeting & Conference, September 17-19, 2023, in Montreal, Quebec. 

To nominate a candidate, please complete the nomination form above and return it to the undersigned no later than August 25, 2023 

Scott Papp |  2680 Matheson Blvd, E, Suite 100, Mississauga, ON L4W 0A5 

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