National Model Codes Public Review

As advocates for excellence and innovation in the heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning industry, your insights and expertise are invaluable.  HRAI invites you to participate in the public review of the proposed changes to be included in the 2025 National Model Codes. This process allows industry stakeholders to shape the future of building standards across the country.

The National Model Codes serves as the cornerstone for the design and construction of buildings throughout Canada, playing a pivotal role in ensuring safety, accessibility, and sustainability in our built environment. It is imperative that industry professionals have the opportunity to provide feedback and contribute to its development to reflect best practices in the field.

Industry participation in this process is vital, and we encourage you to seize this opportunity to make a difference. You will be able to submit comments through the CBHCC website. The public review is open until July 29th, 2024.  Please submit comments before the deadline.

For more information, contact Gautham Shine, 1-800-267-2231 ext. 239 or email

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