Know any Students in an HVACR Program? HRAI’s Orvil L. Davie Bursary Might Be a Good Fit

The Orvil L. Davie Bursary Fund (named after the first Chair of the Board of HRAI) was established by HRAI to assist students in completing their education for a career in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry (HVACR) and to assist in maintaining a higher caliber of HVACR industry personnel.

The fund provides bursaries to persons who require financial assistance in completing training in an accepted course directly related to the HVACR industry.  Applicants for the bursaries may come from the community or vocational college systems, or through industry sources such as the provincial apprenticeship programs.

The assistance is intended for students in courses that are directly related to the HVACR industry and constitute the principle focus of the program such as sheet metal, refrigeration technology, gas fitter, mechanical engineering, etc.  Programs which only touch on these technologies (such as power engineering) are marginal to the industry and are not acceptable.

If you know a person who may be interested in applying for this $1,000 bursary, have them contact HRAI at  We will forward an application and information to them.  The deadline for applications is November 30th, 2021.

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