If you missed HRAI’s Quarterly GR Round Up Webinar – Check it out here!

If you missed HRAI’s Quarterly GR Round Up Webinar – Check it out here!

HRAI hosted, what will become a regular series, the Quarterly Government Relations Round Up Webinar.  We would like to thank Minister Francesco Sorbara for providing his time to address the HRAI membership on the roles the HVACR community and governments have to play in working together on meeting 2030 goals and sustaining business through COVID.

Huw Williams, President of Impact Affairs (IPA), provided a political landscape overview, and commented on what HRAI members can do to be part of setting direction and goals with government on issues that matter to the industry. 

And lastly, Martin Luymes, HRAI’s VP of Government & Stakeholder Relations and the GR Team gave a summary of HRAI’s top priorities in Ottawa this year, and discussed their recent engagement with municipalities across the country on local climate action plans. 

Check the video out here.

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