HRAI Updates its Ontario Boilers & Pressure Vessels Compliance Assistance Program
In 2006, HRAI created a website to assist its member contractors in Ontario in complying with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Regulation. The website is part of HRAI’s BPV Compliance Assistance Program and has had almost 200 HRAI contractor members sign onto the program over the last 15 years. The website is to aid contractors pertaining to the refrigeration piping work and repairs.
HRAI members are allowed to install any piping configurations complying with the published P-standards at any location in Ontario. Considering that the P-standards are pre-registered with TSSA, no further registration will be required.
HRAI recently updated a series of its TSSA registered P-standard design drawings. P-standards were updated to ensure compliance with latest code and jurisdictional requirements. In addition, it offers a wider range of joining methods and refrigerant options.
The following P-standard drawings are available in HRAI's library for BPV Compliance Assistance Program:
- Roof Level Installation Condensing Unit above DX Coil
- Ground Level Installation Condensing Unit below DX Coil
- Packaged A/C Unit with Remote Condensers
- Built-Up Air Conditioning Systems
- Packaged DX Chillers
- Commercial Refrigeration: Compressor, Receiver Packaged below Evaporators
- Commercial Refrigeration: Packaged Condensing Receiver Unit above Evaporators
These drawings include the following refrigerants:
R134A,R404A,R407A,R407C,R449A,R448A,R507A,R410A,R513A and allow for both Brazed and Mechanical/Compression Joints.
*Note: If your project involves working with refrigerants or piping designs other than the ones available in HRAI’s P-standard drawing library, then you would need to register the piping design with TSSA prior to installation.
If your projects require a drawing that would be deemed beneficial for many HRAI members enrolled in the program, please notify HRAI. We will then investigate and if confirmed, we will create appropriate generic drawings and register corresponding P-standards with TSSA utilizing the programs funds on hand.
HRAI is currently reviewing its Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Compliance Assistance Program for Ontario Contractor members and will undertake updates where necessary. For further information or details on how to register for the program please contact Scott Papp, Key Account Manager, or (905) 602-4700 ext. 233.
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