HRAI Quarterly Government Relations Webinar – September 14th, 2022 from 12noon to 1pm EST
Register today!
One of the benefits of Membership is having your voice heard on issues affecting the Industry. HRAI is strongly encouraging members to participate in HRAI’s GR Quarterly Round Up, on September 14th, 2022 from 12-1pm EST.
This is your opportunity to hear first-hand the initiatives HRAI’s GR team is working on for the industry.
A break-down of how HRAI is engaging with governments at the provincial level will also be on the agenda.
Register today!
1. Federal Government Relations Update – Martin Luymes
•Federal budget and implications
•HRAI’s Workforce Development Plan
•Climate Action Leadership
2. Engaging Government Leaders at the Provincial Level
3. Coming Events
4. Q&A
Register today!
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