HRAI Annual Report 2022 – As seen at HRAI's Annual Conference Sept 18-20, 2022

It was good to be back at this year’s HRAI Annual Conference in Ottawa.  In spite of the last-minute changes to the agenda to accommodate the Day of Mourning for the Queen, the session was well attended, and the feedback was unanimously positive. 

A person wearing a suit and tieDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceTo kick off the event HRAI opened with the 21-22 Annual Report video – which can be seen here.  Scott highlighted achievements of the association and membership over the past year with the theme of Listen, Inform and Engage.


A person standing in front of a group of people sitting at tablesDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceThis was followed by an introduction make by Mitsubishi Electric Heating and Cooling, (Platinum Sponsor, for the Sunday Keynote Speaker, Chris Turner, and the Conference App).  Chris took attendees through what it takes to be a climate optimist.



Sponsored by Dettson as a Conference Platinum Sponsor, Monday morning’s sessions kicked off with panelists from the municipalities, MP Terry Duguid, and Member manufacturers developing technology to mitigate climate challenges in buildings.

The morning industry session concluded with the IAQ and Refrigerant Sessions, sponsored by OSPE and Emerson, respectively.

Tuesday session kick off with Kim Adams of Master Group lead the introduction of our Tuesday Keynote, Bruce Lourie.  

To see highlights of the sessions check this video out!

Next year’s HRAI Annual Conference will be held in Montreal Sept. 17-18-19, 2023.



Again, a big thank you to our Conference Sponsors for their support.  Check out the highlights and sponsor contributors to this year's event. 

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