ERA Rebates Receive up to $1 million in incentives
Receive up to $1 million in incentives through the Energy Savings for Business program in Alberta
Alberta businesses seeking to decrease operating costs by improving the efficiency of their infrastructure should check out Emissions Reduction Alberta's Energy Savings for Business (ESB) program.
ESB features a streamlined application process and quick turnaround times, resulting in fast access to incentives for energy-saving measures such as lighting systems and controls, refrigeration technologies, HVAC, and more. Businesses can receive up to $250,000 per project and up to $1 million per parent company to purchase and install energy-saving measures, saving money on energy costs for the life of the products.
To learn more, visit:
Watch for upcoming webinar January 19th 2022 to get an overview of the HVAC measures available in ERA’s Energy Savings for Business (ESB) program. Details and registration to come soon.
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