Environment Canada and Climate Change
Posted by Caroline
Environment Canada and Climate Change
Environmental Officer, Compliance Promotion Unit, Environmental Stewardship Branch
On May 20, 2022, the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2022 (the Regulations) entered into force.
Under section 22 of the Regulations, the owner of a large air-conditioning system or refrigeration system, or of a solvent system, fire-extinguishing system or container that contains or is designed to contain more than 10 kg of halocarbon, must establish and maintain an inventory containing the information set out in Part 4 of Schedule 2 of the Regulations before the first anniversary of the day on which the Regulations come into force. As such, the owners referred to in section 22 of the Regulations must comply with the requirements of that provision no later than May 19, 2023.
The purpose of this provision is to facilitate tracking and maintenance of systems and containers as well as to simplify the onsite identification of halocarbon systems and containers for both owners and Environment and Climate Change Canada officials that administer the regulations.
Information on the Regulations is available via the Federal Halocarbon Regulations Information webpage - canada.ca/federal-halocarbon-regulations.
A Factsheet on the inventory as well as a proposed template are available on the webpage.
Should you require further information, please contact the Halocarbon Program via
email at: halocarbures-halocarbons@ec.gc.ca.
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