Emissions Reduction Alberta - Have a need for SPEED? Don't miss your chance to apply
Interested in applying for ERA’s Small Producers Energy Efficiency Deployment (SPEED) funding stream? Don’t miss the upcoming deadline to apply on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5 p.m. Please note, contractors working on SPEED projects must also register by this deadline.
SPEED, an expansion of Energy Savings for Business (ESB), gives companies quick access to incentives up to $1 million per parent company for cost-effective energy and cost-saving technologies. It offers more targeted technologies to help the province’s small- and medium-sized oil and gas facilities.
As you work on your application, please review ESB’s updated SPEED
Frequently Asked Questions. ESB address topics such as how to enter your facility address on the portal, installing the same measures at multiple facilities, and more. For further questions and inquiries, please get in touch with ESB support team at
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