Emissions Reduction Alberta – HVAC Incentive Programs for Alberta Webinar

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Join HRAI and Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at 12 pm MT for an overview of the HVAC measures available in ERA’s Energy Savings for Business (ESB) program.

ESB is an incentive program helping Alberta’s businesses decrease operating costs, grow their operations, and become more competitive while reducing emissions, creating skilled jobs and boosting economic recovery. Thanks to the program's streamlined application process, businesses can receive fast access to up to $1 million in incentives for a wide range of high-efficiency technologies like HVAC and water heating measures.

The ESB support team and ERA staff members will walk through the program requirements, provide an overview of the eligible HVAC technologies, measure requirements, and the application process.

Register today to learn how to empower your business with energy-efficient technologies. 

Presenter Bios

Brittany Tran has a background in environmental science and is currently a Program Analyst at Emissions Reduction Alberta. At this time, she is working on the Energy Savings for Business Program and Expanded Technologies Pilot which help Alberta businesses reduce emissions, reduce operating costs and become more competitive.


Neil D’Mello is the Contractor Experience Manager on the Enerva-Summerhill team. He has over 4 years of experience working with trade ally networks and delivering energy efficiency programs

Mayuran Srikantha is the Program Manager from the Enerva and Summerhill team. He has over 12 years of experience designing and delivering energy savings and GHG emission reduction programs.




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