Cold and Hard Facts Refrigerants Q & A- March 30, 2023
Are GWP Values Universally Accepted?
The GWP is a metric, much like the S&P500 is a metric (well, technically an index, but the analogy still holds) of the U.S. stock market.
There are plenty of people who debate the veracity of GWP values as they pertain to environmental impact.
It’s worth pointing out that GWP values are very dynamic. Experts are always adjusting them based on new understandings of how different gasses behave and interact with the environment.
Whether or not you decide to make GWP values a substantial part of your business plan going forward, they’re not going away anytime soon. At the very least, having a working knowledge of them will help you better communicate with your fellow industry professionals and well-informed clients.
Another metric to familiarize yourself with is GTP or Global Temperature Potential, which takes a slightly different approach to understand the environmental impacts of gasses.
One thing we do know for certain is that HCFCs do impact the environment negatively, which is why their use is being prohibited. Exactly how you measure that impact is the subject of debate.
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