Canada Greener Homes Initiative Webinar Aligning with US to adjust for heat pump eligibility crite


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Webinar date: Nov. 29th, 2022,  
3-4pm EST 

As of Jan 1, 2023, new heat pump test procedures (10 C.F.R. Appendix M1) will be implemented for residential heat pump products in the US Regulations, and therefore ENERGY STAR/CEE and NEEP directories will align with these new requirements.  

Canada intends to align with US under the Amendment # 17 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations. This alignment will impact all air-to-air heat pump products imported into Canada or crossing provincial borders (interprovincial trade) who will have to meet the new MEPS (minimum efficiency performance standards) reflective of the new 10 C.F.R. Appendix M1 test standard. New performance metrics will be introduced: HSPF2 and SEER2 

As a result, Canada Greener Homes Initiative will adjust heat pump eligibility criteria to reflect changes in new testing procedures.   Please feel free to forward this invitation to any parties that might be interested in this presentation. 


  1. Opening remarks  

  1. Presentation  

  1. Questions and answers 

Join event details below: 

Nov. 29th, 2022, 3-4pm EST 

Microsoft Teams meeting  

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device  

Meeting ID: 214 199 314 530  
Passcode: uUGGzi  

Or call in (audio only)  

+1 647-557-1766,,983606402#   Canada, Toronto  

Phone Conference ID: 983 606 402#  

Note: this session will be hosted and run by NRCan. 

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