Alberta: Find even more energy savings with new eligible technologies

The Extended Technologies Pilot

Albertans are innovative. While the ESB Program offers over 60 technologies, the efficiency world is always evolving and driving new ideas and products. ETP offers a new pathway for Alberta businesses to propose effective, commercially available technologies not currently supported through ESB, that could offer a high return on investment. Successful proposals will receive funding to support project implementation and will help expand ERA’s understanding of the technology’s performance, market potential, and how it could be best supported in future initiatives.

To learn more please visit our website or contact our call centre.

Updates to the measures list

To demonstrate the innovative nature of Albertans, ESB often receives requests for additional measures or sizes of existing technologies. To reflect demand for these technologies, the ESB program has released new updates to the Measures List. These updates will give businesses more opportunities to take advantage of the program, install more efficient equipment, and ultimately save money and reduce emissions.

As of Monday, December 20, 2021, ESB has included:

  • New size categories for LED agricultural top lighting
  • New direct contact water heater measures
  • Expanded CHP eligibility for smaller projects
  • Updated requirements for RTU projects

There are also a number of small clarifying changes, applicable to several measures. Please refer to the Summary of Measure List Changes Dec 20, 2021, for more details.

To find out more, view the full ESB Measures List.

Tip of the month: how to understand your payment status

Staying up to date with incentive payments is easy. Simply log into the program portal to find your applications listed at the bottom of the page. Go to the payment tab beside “Applications Overview,” and you will see the status for each of your applications listed.

Below you will find a summary of all possible application statuses during the new payment process.

For more information on receiving your payment, please read the Incentive Payment Instruction document or watch our helpful payment instructions webinar.

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