15 Things Contractor Business Owners Should Know to be Successful

Contracting Business 101 Part 2 - Free Webinar Series

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October 19th, 2021
12 – 1pm EST

"You don't know what you don't know ", with Glenn Mellors of ClimateCare

Glenn Mellors, of ClimateCare, will take Contractors through a series of exercises and interactive discussion. Attendees will walk away with 15 things contractor business owners should know by heart. By knowing these key points, attendees will be inspired to keep thinking of ways to improve their performance.

Glenn encourages you to bring as many questions.

ClimateCare, an HRAI Member, is Canada’s largest network of independent heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems contractors. They are 100% member owned, and have been that way since the cooperative formed in 1992.

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Glenn is a lifelong Plumbing and HVAC professional with a passion to instruct energetic, motivated people on how to be successful in the HVAC industry. He began his career as a par-time helper in the family-owned business. After the unexpected passing of his father, he was employed by a large plumbing DYI retailer who instilled in him a love of knowledge and the value of passing that knowledge on.

An educator at heart, he has provided HVAC training to over 1000s students and is a highly respected instructor. First introduced to ClimateCare in 2006 as a keynote speaker and then as a coach, He joined them in 2008 as a full-time business coach and instructor training the next generation of HVAC professionals at ClimateCare Cooperative Corp.

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