Membership Requirements

Guided Application          Complete Application

HRAI Membership Policy

Membership in the HRAI Contractors Division is available to all companies (sole proprietorships, partnerships or corporations) engaged in the business of contracting in equipment, parts, accessories and services for heating, refrigeration, air conditioning and/or ventilation within Canada. To be considered for membership in the HRAI contractors division, applicants must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the HRAI contractors division Board of Directors (or those designated to act on behalf of the Board) that they comply with the relevant trade licensing regulations that govern their business activity within the jurisdiction(s) in which they conduct their business. Specifically, applicants must demonstrate (by way of verifiable photocopies of relevant documents) that they and/or their employees possess:


  • Valid Trade Licenses and/or Certificates of Qualification;
  • Valid Provincial Fuel Licenses/Certificates/Registrations; 
  • Worker’s Compensation Board Coverage (unless exempt as a Sole Proprietor);
  • A minimum of $2,000,000 Liability Insurance Coverage;
  • Completed Sub-Contractor letter with attached copies of appropriate Valid Trade License or Certificate of Qualification (if applicable and as per provincial requirements)

Applicants must also sign and agree to conform with the HRAI Contractors Division Member’s Code of Ethics and the HRAI Brand Agreement.

To apply for membership, fill in the Application Form or call 1-800-267-2231 to receive membership information or to arrange a personal visit to discuss membership. Photocopies of all the necessary documentation must be submitted with the application form. Failure to provide sufficient evidence of licences and approvals may result in the rejection of the application.

This application form is specifically for consideration in HRAI Contractor Membership.  For Ontario Rebates and Incentives Program Contractor Enrolment, please contact IESO directly.

Membership Dues

Membership dues for any new member shall be the annual rate for the applicable division. When a new member is accepted during a fiscal year, the dues applicable for that fiscal year shall be the greater of one-third (1/3) of the applicable annual rate or the annual rate pro-rated to the months remaining in the fiscal year. The balance of dues remitted shall be applied to the next fiscal year's dues (HRAI Bylaw 5.6 - 1977). Fiscal year begins July 1.

For further membership information contact HRAI.